Back home again! Scrap-N-On the River rocked! It was a great crop and we had a ball. The Pig Out Inn had really delicious ribs (ribs are currently my favorite food) that we enjoyed twice while there. There were many door prizes given away that were fabulous, and Pam was a great hostess. Of course we brought more than we could put out all at one time (as usual!), but we kept putting more out as we sold out of stuff, and I kept swapping the paper out. Next time we'll just have a bigger booth, because I can't seem to do anything on a small scale. I've learned. I already signed up for a bigger booth at the Scrappy Sisters crop in Pensacola this October, because I want people to be able to view everything when they first come into the booth, and be able to come back and have it where it was when they first viewed it. I've learned that sometimes shoppers will just see what is available and then come back at another time for it, and if I've swapped it out for new stuff, it's not there for them and they get confused about where they had seen it. Sorry folks! My mistake. But, as I said, I've learned. So, to be a better vendor, I'm getting bigger booth spaces and you won't have to worry about that any longer. Now, if I could just get an entire wall at ScrapFest! I'll be cookin'! LOL
We had a wonderful time, and it was so great to see so many old friends that just come in for these events. But, now that I'm back home, it is good to be home again, too. It will be good to see my regular customers at the store, that Emery has been having fun with while we were away.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Where Creativity meets Southern Hospitality in Papercrafting!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Hello from Natchez!
Hello from Natchez!
What a beautiful old southern city this is. We are having a great time at Scrap-n-on-the-river seeing old friends and making so many new ones. It has been a long day and we are exhausted. We set up around 10am this morning, and opened at 3 for business and we were jammed packed all day. The hotel we are staying at is the Eola. Fantastic old hotel, lots of history. We have a fantastic room with a balcony large enough to put a pool table or maybe even two. Of course that was Felix's idea. I just enjoyed sitting out and watching the sunrise.
Well, its off to bed, got an early day again tomorrow - lots of scrapping to get done.
Happy Scrapping!
What a beautiful old southern city this is. We are having a great time at Scrap-n-on-the-river seeing old friends and making so many new ones. It has been a long day and we are exhausted. We set up around 10am this morning, and opened at 3 for business and we were jammed packed all day. The hotel we are staying at is the Eola. Fantastic old hotel, lots of history. We have a fantastic room with a balcony large enough to put a pool table or maybe even two. Of course that was Felix's idea. I just enjoyed sitting out and watching the sunrise.
Well, its off to bed, got an early day again tomorrow - lots of scrapping to get done.
Happy Scrapping!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Disney Explosion Book Class / New Products
Today was quite eventful with not a moment to spare. We had a wonderful class tonight, the Disney Explosion Book. It was very special to a couple of the participants as they had not been to a scrapbooking class or even had scrapped since before Hurricane Katrina. It was an honor to me that they chose this class to be their first to get back into papercrafting. Thank you, ladies. I do appreciate that.
We will be loading up tomorrow (Wednesday) for our Natchez event this weekend. We received three good-sized orders in today with some new products. One of them in particular is really adorable. The K&Company Sweet Pea baby collection. These papers are really cute and there's even one in the collection that is like a birth announcement. We got the embossed cardstock stickers that match, of course. We got some Disney idea books, and new Disney embellishments and paper that we have never had before. LOTS more acid-free 12x12 chipboard (you asked for it!). We also got 12x12 vellum and adhesive-backed vellum. We also recently got in the Tim Holtz Alcohol Ink Cases that hold 28 bottles of alcohol ink and accessories like the applicator, mixatives, and extra pads. More MIMI totes are in, and don't forget you get free monogramming with the purchase of one of those totes. Also, we got in new cat paper from Karen Foster Design, and several different mini charms (tools, school tools, amusement park). The amusement park charms are really nice.
Yesterday I totally redid the eyelet display. I put everything together in themes so it is now a lot easier to find things that coordinate, and we got in all the new brads just released this past weekend at CHA. Seals, sharks, killer whales (Shamu), cherries, strawberries, baby carriages, baby bottles, and a lot of the large round brads in many different colors. Some of them have two colors on them, and they are really pretty. Also, the new pink and red Minnie Mouse bows, and more Mickey hands and mouse ears.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
We will be loading up tomorrow (Wednesday) for our Natchez event this weekend. We received three good-sized orders in today with some new products. One of them in particular is really adorable. The K&Company Sweet Pea baby collection. These papers are really cute and there's even one in the collection that is like a birth announcement. We got the embossed cardstock stickers that match, of course. We got some Disney idea books, and new Disney embellishments and paper that we have never had before. LOTS more acid-free 12x12 chipboard (you asked for it!). We also got 12x12 vellum and adhesive-backed vellum. We also recently got in the Tim Holtz Alcohol Ink Cases that hold 28 bottles of alcohol ink and accessories like the applicator, mixatives, and extra pads. More MIMI totes are in, and don't forget you get free monogramming with the purchase of one of those totes. Also, we got in new cat paper from Karen Foster Design, and several different mini charms (tools, school tools, amusement park). The amusement park charms are really nice.
Yesterday I totally redid the eyelet display. I put everything together in themes so it is now a lot easier to find things that coordinate, and we got in all the new brads just released this past weekend at CHA. Seals, sharks, killer whales (Shamu), cherries, strawberries, baby carriages, baby bottles, and a lot of the large round brads in many different colors. Some of them have two colors on them, and they are really pretty. Also, the new pink and red Minnie Mouse bows, and more Mickey hands and mouse ears.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Mark Your Calendars for 08/10/07
We are excited and getting ready for the Scrap N On The River cropping event in Natchez, Mississippi this weekend! Felix and I leave on Wednesday, and Emery will be in charge of things until we return on Monday.
We're starting to receive more items in again from all the orders we placed. A lot of reorders, but new items, too. Plus, now that CHA is over, all the manufacturers have released their new Fall products, which we have ordered. Well, we didn't order ALL of them, but a lot of really cool ones! We'll post when these new products start to roll in, which we expect in the next couple of weeks.
I wanted to tell you to mark your calendars for August 10th. will showcase Timeless Touches' Stamp and Stitch templates on their weekly webisode. As you know, we already carry the entire Timeless Touches Stamp and Stitch line, along with the tools used with them. These are acrylic-cling stamps that are used to stamp an image, and a piercing template that matches to place over the stamped image so you can pierce around it, and then stitch around it. These are wonderful additions to pages as embellishments, and really fantastic on greeting cards. I invite you to stop in and check them out, along with a sample of a completed card using one of the templates. I will be having a class in August using these templates, and I think you'll enjoy them.
By the way, is an excellent resource for ideas, especially if you get scrapper's block. They have new weekly webisodes that come out on Fridays, and there is even an archive so you can go back and search through past webisodes. You can download the directions for the project you view, along with the template, if there is one. Go check it out.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
We're starting to receive more items in again from all the orders we placed. A lot of reorders, but new items, too. Plus, now that CHA is over, all the manufacturers have released their new Fall products, which we have ordered. Well, we didn't order ALL of them, but a lot of really cool ones! We'll post when these new products start to roll in, which we expect in the next couple of weeks.
I wanted to tell you to mark your calendars for August 10th. will showcase Timeless Touches' Stamp and Stitch templates on their weekly webisode. As you know, we already carry the entire Timeless Touches Stamp and Stitch line, along with the tools used with them. These are acrylic-cling stamps that are used to stamp an image, and a piercing template that matches to place over the stamped image so you can pierce around it, and then stitch around it. These are wonderful additions to pages as embellishments, and really fantastic on greeting cards. I invite you to stop in and check them out, along with a sample of a completed card using one of the templates. I will be having a class in August using these templates, and I think you'll enjoy them.
By the way, is an excellent resource for ideas, especially if you get scrapper's block. They have new weekly webisodes that come out on Fridays, and there is even an archive so you can go back and search through past webisodes. You can download the directions for the project you view, along with the template, if there is one. Go check it out.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Where is the Iguana?
Whew! We finally finished unpacking and putting the store back together after GCS! I truly believe we brought most of what we had in the store. As soon as the last box was unpacked, we began packing for Scrap N On The River next week. We have those boxes stored under the crop tables, out of the way, so we'll be able to enjoy ourselves Friday for Pam's going-away party. One of our good friends and a great customer, Pam K., is moving to another state to live with family elsewhere. We will miss her greatly. At this coming Friday's crop we will be hosting a party for Pam, and a pot-luck dinner.
We placed several more orders today. We've already begun ordering new products that will be released this weekend at the CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) show. These new products should begin arriving within a couple of weeks, and we're very excited to get them in. I know you will LOVE this stuff!
Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, July 19, 2007, we will offer a one-time 15% discount to those who mention this blog and tell us "The iguana is in the ficus." We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to send us your thoughts. We would also love to receive pictures of your papercrafting and rubberstamping projects, and will consider them for posting in the blog and in our Gallery on the website.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
We placed several more orders today. We've already begun ordering new products that will be released this weekend at the CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) show. These new products should begin arriving within a couple of weeks, and we're very excited to get them in. I know you will LOVE this stuff!
Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, July 19, 2007, we will offer a one-time 15% discount to those who mention this blog and tell us "The iguana is in the ficus." We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to send us your thoughts. We would also love to receive pictures of your papercrafting and rubberstamping projects, and will consider them for posting in the blog and in our Gallery on the website.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
GCS New Orleans is Over...Sigh
Well, we made it through another GCS event, and had even more fun at this one than the last two combined. Everyone was so wonderful and fun and funny, and I felt there was a great feeling of camaraderie among everyone. The Scrappin' Packin' Mommas were hilarious with their performance, and we absolutely LOVED it! I wish I had had my video camera with me to tape it. It will definitely be remembered well for a long time. Felix missed it the first time they performed, but then was there when they sang again. He thought it was fantastic, too.
Many thanks to all who visited, shopped, and shared with us at the event. Special thanks go to Michelle D. for all the M&Ms and brownies! Yum! It was great seeing everybody, both local and those whom we only see at large events like GCS and ScrapFest. We are looking forward to seeing many of you again in a couple of weeks at Scrappin On The River in Natchez, MS. We just can't seem to get enough of these events. They are so much fun. A LOT of really hard work on our part (ordering, organizing, packing, lifting, carrying heavy paper boxes, unpacking, organizing, arranging, repacking, putting the store back together--you get the idea), but we do truly enjoy it so much. I'm sure the pic of me in the previous post, sent by my darling husband, tells a lot! We are exhausted, but exhilarated!
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Many thanks to all who visited, shopped, and shared with us at the event. Special thanks go to Michelle D. for all the M&Ms and brownies! Yum! It was great seeing everybody, both local and those whom we only see at large events like GCS and ScrapFest. We are looking forward to seeing many of you again in a couple of weeks at Scrappin On The River in Natchez, MS. We just can't seem to get enough of these events. They are so much fun. A LOT of really hard work on our part (ordering, organizing, packing, lifting, carrying heavy paper boxes, unpacking, organizing, arranging, repacking, putting the store back together--you get the idea), but we do truly enjoy it so much. I'm sure the pic of me in the previous post, sent by my darling husband, tells a lot! We are exhausted, but exhilarated!
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
GCS New Orleans 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
In Memoriam
Today they laid to rest Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office Deputy Joshua Norris. He was 22 years old. He had, the day prior, become engaged to be married, and had only been on the force for a short time. His death really hits home, not only because our business is in Jefferson Parish, but because my own father was a JPSO Deputy, and I know how close-knit those people are. I remember well the day my father graduated from the Academy and how fired-up those new deputies were. How ambitious they all were, and how they talked and acted like one big family, ready to take on the world.
My heart goes out to those who knew Joshua Norris, and I am very sorry for his loss. He died a brave young man, in the line of duty, and we should all remember how important our police system is to not only our safety, but to their families as well. They are, after all, people just like us who have the same feelings the rest of us do. Let us show respect to the police force for putting their lives on the line and truly giving their "all".
Bless you, Joshua. May you rest in peace and may your family and friends be at peace knowing you are in a better place.
My heart goes out to those who knew Joshua Norris, and I am very sorry for his loss. He died a brave young man, in the line of duty, and we should all remember how important our police system is to not only our safety, but to their families as well. They are, after all, people just like us who have the same feelings the rest of us do. Let us show respect to the police force for putting their lives on the line and truly giving their "all".
Bless you, Joshua. May you rest in peace and may your family and friends be at peace knowing you are in a better place.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Disney Class Scheduled!
Great News! The much desired Disney Explosion Book Class has been scheduled at the store! Tuesday, July 24th @ 6PM. So if you cannot make it to GCS or if the class sold out before you could sign up - its great news! The class will be $25.00 and all supplies are included. Tools neeed: paper trimmer, red line tape, bone folder, and acrylic ruler. A limited amount of tools will be available to share in case you don't have everything.
We spent the day unpacking orders, checking in, then repacking for GCS. Some of our favorite customers came in and tried to take a sneak-peek, not mentioning any names but you KNOW who you are!
We are really looking forward to seeing our friends at GCS. Some of you we are only able to see at these big events and it will be nice to see you again.
We spent the day unpacking orders, checking in, then repacking for GCS. Some of our favorite customers came in and tried to take a sneak-peek, not mentioning any names but you KNOW who you are!
We are really looking forward to seeing our friends at GCS. Some of you we are only able to see at these big events and it will be nice to see you again.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
No Rules
A new website I've visited recently turned out to be quite a find. It is It is a French website, but has an English translation. I think these people are definitely cutting-edge and truly artists in their work. I love their styles, and they have lots of photographs of their work. They also have a monthly kit you can purchase, and this month's kit is Just Girls! They even have a contest going on right now, for Freestyle scrapbooking. I invite you to go check them out, and see what you think. After reading their Inspiration section, you just might want to submit some of your work.
Every papercrafter is different, in their style and personality, and there is no right way or wrong way to papercraft. The idea is to have fun and create something, and ENJOY yourself. Yes, in scrapbooking our ultimate goal is to preserve our memories, but let's take it one step further and enjoy doing that. There's no rule that says you have to have a specific book completed by a specific time (unless you're doing one for a gift). Give yourself time and space and creative freedom, and I think you'll find you are a lot more creative than you originally thought you were. Remember, no rules, no right way, no wrong way. Just have fun.
Every papercrafter is different, in their style and personality, and there is no right way or wrong way to papercraft. The idea is to have fun and create something, and ENJOY yourself. Yes, in scrapbooking our ultimate goal is to preserve our memories, but let's take it one step further and enjoy doing that. There's no rule that says you have to have a specific book completed by a specific time (unless you're doing one for a gift). Give yourself time and space and creative freedom, and I think you'll find you are a lot more creative than you originally thought you were. Remember, no rules, no right way, no wrong way. Just have fun.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!!!

Greetings, folks! Happy 4th of July to you all. I hope your day was filled with lots of love, laughter, and much barbecue!
Thanks to Mary G. for bringing us the hotdogs and apple cobbler so we could celebrate while we were working. :)
Wasn't this rain unbelievable? I guess it was all for the best, though, because it helped protect everything from catching fire with all the fireworks. So much for the ban on fireworks in N.O.!
Thanks to Mary G. for bringing us the hotdogs and apple cobbler so we could celebrate while we were working. :)
Wasn't this rain unbelievable? I guess it was all for the best, though, because it helped protect everything from catching fire with all the fireworks. So much for the ban on fireworks in N.O.!
Our 25% off sale went over really well. I think it made a lot of folks happy. Y'all have to thank Felix for this sale--it was his idea. But then again, I'm sure most of you know he'd give away half the store if I weren't looking!
I put the finishing touches on the Disney Explosion Book for the GCS ELMO Class. I've uploaded a couple of pics of it so you can see. We've only got space for 15 people, and several who saw it today said they were definitely going to do it. Make sure you sign up quick! I really love doing these little explosion books. They are so adaptable to really any theme, and they are so fun to make.
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
A Good Day
Today was one of those laid-back days where things just kind of flowed by. We put out more layovers and lasercuts (we got three boxes of them!), and faxed Judy the GCS information on classes and make-and-takes. We had a good number of customers, all of whom were very pleasant, and it was an overall good day.
We had two friends in from Mississippi who were shopping for items for books about a pageant they were involved with. These two ladies had been close friends since the 7th grade, they said, and I was very impressed. In these days, it is so hard to find a good, true friend, and even harder to be able to maintain a friendship when you do because of all of the busyness of our lives now. I was very happy for them. They purchased the entire line of our pajama party collection, and an armload of albums. They are making a scrapbook for each girl in the pageant that they are working with. Such fun. You never know what people will be into, and it is so nice to see that these girls will have a scrapbook made just about them to commemorate the event.
We got in another order to create a scrapbook for someone. This one is about an LSU Nursing School graduate. Her mom was very excited, and I can't wait to begin working on it tomorrow. Emery will help me with it, of course. His ideas are always so creative. I enjoy being able to work with my son (and my husband) in scrapbooking. It's a great way to grow closer to them, and to get to know them in a way that I wouldn't have been able to know them otherwise. I get to view things through their eyes for a bit, and see how they think about life.
Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. For tonight, just enjoy being. Yes, it was a good day.
We had two friends in from Mississippi who were shopping for items for books about a pageant they were involved with. These two ladies had been close friends since the 7th grade, they said, and I was very impressed. In these days, it is so hard to find a good, true friend, and even harder to be able to maintain a friendship when you do because of all of the busyness of our lives now. I was very happy for them. They purchased the entire line of our pajama party collection, and an armload of albums. They are making a scrapbook for each girl in the pageant that they are working with. Such fun. You never know what people will be into, and it is so nice to see that these girls will have a scrapbook made just about them to commemorate the event.
We got in another order to create a scrapbook for someone. This one is about an LSU Nursing School graduate. Her mom was very excited, and I can't wait to begin working on it tomorrow. Emery will help me with it, of course. His ideas are always so creative. I enjoy being able to work with my son (and my husband) in scrapbooking. It's a great way to grow closer to them, and to get to know them in a way that I wouldn't have been able to know them otherwise. I get to view things through their eyes for a bit, and see how they think about life.
Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. For tonight, just enjoy being. Yes, it was a good day.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Just Getting Started
Greetings, everyone! We've been wanting to start a blog for some time now and actually created it a while ago, but things haven't gelled until recently. We hope you'll keep us in your Favorites list and check back with us often to see the latest and greatest. We welcome any and all comments and questions, and of course your feedback is invaluable. We want to post what you want to know, so let us know how we can best serve your needs through our blog.
Today I didn't go in to the store so I could take care of some personal errands. By the time I was finished, I wished I had just gone in to the store! PetSmart, Home Depot, OfficeDepot, Winn Dixie, just to name a few stops. When I got home it took four trips to the SUV to get everything out and brought into the house. After unpacking everything, it was time to begin dinner and clean the house, and then Felix came home. No time off for me!
Felix said we received new layovers and lasercuts at the store today, with more specially designed by us for YOU! WAIT 'til you see what we've got! He said they are so adorable that he sold a bunch of them before he could even get them into inventory. Way to go, Felix!
Emery had a customer today from Virginia who actually took a taxicab from the Intercontinental Hotel just to see us! She said she had searched for New Orleans scrapbook stores and we came up, and since we are right by the mall, she decided she'd visit us. What an honor! After shopping, she left her purchases with us while she walked over to the mall and shopped there, too. When she returned to get the items she had left with us, she decided to shop some more while waiting for the cab. She managed to get some of those lasercuts and layovers from Felix. It's always a pleasure to have visitors from out of town look us up and come in and shop with us. Thank you, Virginia lady!
Tomorrow we will fax all the information to Judy about the GCS classes and make-and-takes we will be doing, so be looking for them to appear on the GCS website soon (
Until next time, happy scrapping!
Today I didn't go in to the store so I could take care of some personal errands. By the time I was finished, I wished I had just gone in to the store! PetSmart, Home Depot, OfficeDepot, Winn Dixie, just to name a few stops. When I got home it took four trips to the SUV to get everything out and brought into the house. After unpacking everything, it was time to begin dinner and clean the house, and then Felix came home. No time off for me!
Felix said we received new layovers and lasercuts at the store today, with more specially designed by us for YOU! WAIT 'til you see what we've got! He said they are so adorable that he sold a bunch of them before he could even get them into inventory. Way to go, Felix!
Emery had a customer today from Virginia who actually took a taxicab from the Intercontinental Hotel just to see us! She said she had searched for New Orleans scrapbook stores and we came up, and since we are right by the mall, she decided she'd visit us. What an honor! After shopping, she left her purchases with us while she walked over to the mall and shopped there, too. When she returned to get the items she had left with us, she decided to shop some more while waiting for the cab. She managed to get some of those lasercuts and layovers from Felix. It's always a pleasure to have visitors from out of town look us up and come in and shop with us. Thank you, Virginia lady!
Tomorrow we will fax all the information to Judy about the GCS classes and make-and-takes we will be doing, so be looking for them to appear on the GCS website soon (
Until next time, happy scrapping!
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